If there’s one thing you can count on each year, it is that you have to file your Federal and State income taxes! Unfortunately, all of our appointments are filled. If you still need help filing your 2018 taxes, call 211 to find an available resource to help you complete your taxes.
Announcing the NNORC Breakfast Club
Join us at the first meeting of the NNORC Breakfast Club, a monthly opportunity to come together to nosh on a bagel, socialize and learn useful information on a range of subjects.
“Tax Issues of Particular Concern to Seniors” is the topic of this first meeting. Our guest speaker Michelle Duchowny will discuss strategies for taking advantage of favorable tax provisions such as pension exclusions, long term care credits, senior property tax benefits and more. Bring your questions and your friends and become part of the NNORC Breakfast Club.
Michelle Duchowny is an Outreach Specialist from the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance. She works in the Office of the Taxpayer Rights Advocate, so she definitely has the inside track on these tax provisions.
Save the date for next month’s Breakfast Club: November 19, 2014. We will host Kim Verner, Esq., an expert in elder law from the Herzog Law Firm. She will discuss “Legal Documents Every Senior Needs to Have.”
DATE Wednesday, October 22 and November 19
TIME 9:30-11:00 a.m.
PLACE Albany Jewish Community Center at 340 Whitehall Rd., Albany, NY
RSVP 518-514-2023 Reservations are required
FEE $3.00 (members) and $5.00 (non-members)
Christine Holle New JFS Executive Director
JFS is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine A. Holle as Executive Director. Christine has been with JFS for over 24 years, most recently serving as Director of Finance and Administration.
“We’re delighted by Christine’s promotion to Executive Director and by the renewed energy and excitement she’s brought to the agency,” says Board president Bob Gumson. “We’re looking forward to working with Christine to continue JFS’ 158-year tradition of providing quality services in the community, and increasing awareness and utilization of JFS throughout the Capital Region.”
“I’m excited and honored to now serve as Executive Director,” said Christine.
“Throughout my time with the agency, and under the dynamic leadership of Anschel Weiss and Miriam Adler, there have been many changes in what we do, but the mission and values that are the foundation of our agency remain unchanged. As we embark on the next chapter of JFS’ long history, I envision JFS growing and moving forward by expanding services , developing partnerships and relationships within the community, and getting the word out so all community members know just how vital a resource JFS really is!”
Site Dedication
This website was created through the generosity of Meryl and Al Norek in memory of Al’s great grandfather, David Shapiro, publisher of Der Tag.
Since 1854. JFSNENY has been dedicated to:
- Strengthening individual, family and community life;
- The Jewish value of Tikkun Olam which guides our work.
JFSNENY’s professional staff provides the highest quality, comprehensive programs and services in Northeastern New York State.
We invite you to learn more about what we do; how we might be able to be able to help you and your family; and how you can help us help others.