JFS has been providing expert and in-depth services to older adults for decades. Our new Albany InPlace program is designed to improve safe navigation in the home through education, resources and modifications, if needed, to help those 60+ age safely at home.
Veterans, we have special funding to help you with home modifications!
- Free home safety assessments by an Occupational Therapist
- Recommendations for equipment and modifications, if needed
- A partnership with both property managers to help tenants get modifications in their unit that they need and with homeowners. JFS has grant funds available from The Home Depot Foundation, Meals on Wheels America and CDPHP to purchase items such as grab bars, toilet seat risers, or railings.
- A JFS Aging Specialist will help identify situations and conditions that may place an individual at risk for falling.
- We work with property managers and/or a handy-person to help implement modifications if needed: grab bars, hallway railings, etc.
- We can also discuss the need for adaptive equipment such as toilet seat risers, bed rails or shower chairs.
Please Contact: 518-482-8856, option 0 or email info@jfsneny.org