Exciting News!
JFS has received a NYSOFA (New York State Office for the Aging) Legislative Initiative to help provide health care-related services for Holocaust survivors in the Greater Capital Region. These funds can help address immediate medical needs, food insecurity, aging well at home, social programs, and end-of-life support.
We can help Russian speaking friends from the Former Soviet Union and other victims of Nazi persecution with:
- Paying for hearing aids, dentures, glasses or other needs not covered by your health plan
- Receiving grocery gift cards to help with holiday costs
- Receiving compassionate guidance, support and Chaplaincy services before, during and after the end of life.
- Participating in social and cultural programs
- Accessing needed information and referrals
Download the flyer in English and Russian here.
GET INVOLVED! Join the team to reach Survivors and help identify needs. Details are here.
To see if you or someone you know is eligible, please contact Clara Simon:
518-516-1115 or csimon@jfsneny.org