
We are delighted to once again partner with our Jewish community organizations for our 5th Annual Mensches & Mimosas, but with a twist. This year, we added 29 more honorees, making the total over 140!

This year, mensches were captured in short videos. Watch them here:

We encourage you to make a tribute gift to JFS in honor of your favorite mensch(en). Donate online here or call 518-516-1102.

Proceeds help support and grow the free services we provide to our community.


This slideshow includes short blurbs as to why community organizations nominated their mensch(en).

Nancy Allen

Zakhar Berkovich

Kenneth H. Carpenter

Karen Davda

Annette Farkas

Bob & Lauren Finkle

Linda Gellman

Sally Goldberg

Michele Fisher Gomez
Bess Wadler

Scott Hollander

Daniel & Tammie Kaufman

Shayna Kudan

Susan Kushner (z”l)

Daniella Steinberg Lans

Linda & Dana Mandel

Neal Packer

Larry & Clara Sanders

Alex J. Shoenbart

Howie & Bettina Stoller

Ellen & Stan Strauss

Phyllis A. Wang

Karl Yesse

Here is a list of previous Mensches & Mimosas honorees.
We are delighted to once again partner with our Jewish community institutions for our 4th Annual Mensches & Mimosas, adding 30 more honorees to our group of community champions!
Click HERE to see why our community organizations nominated their mensch.

As part of this celebration, we will present the JFS Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award to Marvin A. Freedman for his lifetime commitment to serving humanity with humility.

We encourage you to support our honorable menschen and JFS.
Proceeds from this event help support and grow the free services we provide to our community.

  1. Click HERE to use our online form
  2. Click HERE to download a printable form
  3. Call JFS to process your credit card via phone: 518-516-1102
If you have any questions, please call Monica Tan at 518-516-1104 or email
 See a list of past Honorable Menschen here.




This year’s JFS Mensches & Mimosas virtual celebration honored 30 unsung heroes from the Capital Region, who were nominated by partner organizations from the Jewish community for their selfless dedication and leadership. As part of the celebration, Alan Iselin received the JFS Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award for serving humanity with humility.

The virtual celebration included pre-recorded videos of the Honorable Menschen who answered, “What inspires you to be a mensch?” Honorees shared inspiring tales of their organization’s members, leadership and of their volunteerism being passed down from their parents, “It was the Jewish values instilled in me as a child,” said Melanie Hecker from Congregation Ohav Shalom in Albany. Mark Koblenz from Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors spoke about their mensch nominee Neil Manasse who embraces the organization’s core values: honoring your mother and father and performing acts of loving kindness. Ruth Facher Mendel (Congregation Beth Emeth) was interviewed by her daughter Lisa Finkle to whom Ruth passed down the tradition of serving.

Rabbi Scott Shpeen (Congregation Beth Emeth, Albany) presented Alan Iselin the JFS Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award commenting on Alan’s years of leadership in the Albany Jewish community, greater Capital Region and nationally. In accepting the award, Alan Iselin, a JFS board chair in 1966, said he is “dazzled” by the services at JFS and the breadth of their coverage. “This organization has grown, it has added services, and continues to be a wonderful [resource] for the community,” said Iselin.

Several JFS service recipients shared their gratitude to JFS. Rosyln Foote commended JFS Project 5 for giving for helping her maintain her independence by giving her private rides to appointments. Steve Lobel recounted how the JFS Senior Resource Network provided critical resources and support so that he and his sister could move their mother from Florida to Albany after some serious health issues. Lenore Kesten expressed her appreciation for receiving kosher home delivered meals, particularly because she can no longer prepare her own meals.

“Monies raised from Mensches & Mimosas help support and grow JFS services that are provided regardless of an individual’s ability to pay,” said JFS president & CEO Jane Ginsburg. “It is through the generous philanthropic support from our community that helps our programs, and in turn our community, thrive.” JFS support groups, grocery and meal delivery, and senior adult services are just some examples of programs that are provided at little or no cost to recipients.

Here’s where you can watch this year’s celebration:
Watch on the JFS YouTube Channel
Click this Screen

Many Thanks to Our “M&M” Supporters! View them here!

You can still support our honorable menschen and JFS.  Proceeds from this event help support and grow the free services we provide to our community.
  1. Click here to use our online form,
  2. Click here to print a pdf form, or
  3. Call JFS to process your credit card via phone: 518-482-8856
If you have any questions, please call Monica Tan at 518-516-1104 or email
 See a list of past Honorable Menschen here.
We are delighted to once again partner with our Jewish community institutions for our
3rd Annual Mensches & Mimosas, adding 30 more honorees to our group of unsung heroes!

Over the past two years, the annual JFS Mensches & Mimosas has recognized 49 honorable menschen from organizations throughout our region for selflessly giving their time, their passions, and their hard work to our community. 

As part of this celebration, we will present Alan Iselin with the JFS Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award for his commitment to serving humanity with humility and being a role model for future generations.

Here’s where you can watch this year’s celebration:
June 2, 2022
7:00 p.m. Mensches & Mimosas
6:55 p.m. Preshow
Watch on the JFS YouTube Channel
Watch on the JFS Facebook Page
Click this Screen

Many Thanks to Our “M&M” Supporters! View them here!

You can still support our honorable menschen and JFS.  Proceeds from this event help support and grow the free services we provide to our community.
  1. Click here to use our online form,
  2. Click here to print a pdf form, or
  3. Call JFS to process your credit card via phone: 518-482-8856
If you have any questions, please call Monica Tan at 518-516-1104 or email
 See a list of past Honorable Menschen here.

The community’s response to our 2nd Annual Mensches & Mimosas community-wide celebration of mensches has been astounding!  We honored 23 men and women who selflessly give their time, their passions, and their hard work throughout our community.

As part of this celebration, Herman Ungerman received the Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award for his commitment to serving humanity with humility and for acting as a role model for future generations. This is evident by his loving family, who continue to carry on the legacy of philanthropy.


Facebook @JFSNENY or

If you still wish to support your mensch and JFS, here’s how:

  • Make your contribution here.
  • Print and mail in your form here.
  • Call JFS and process credit card payment: 518-482-8856

If you have any questions, please call Monica Tan at 518-516-1104 or email

Thanks for Supporting JFS and our Honorable Menschen

[give_donor_wall form_id="4807" orderby="donation_amount"]

As part of the 2nd Annual Mensches & Mimosas celebration on May 23, 2021 at 11 a.m., JFS will recognize Herman Mendel Ungerman with the Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award for his commitment to serving humanity with humility and for acting as a role model for future generations.  This is evident by his loving family, who continue to carry on the legacy of philanthropy.

A native Albanian with a rich commitment to family and community that spans throughout his years, Herm is the epitome of a community builder, supporter and champion. A mensch among mensches, when he was informed of the honor, he remarked that what he was most proud of was that his children had continued in his footsteps. JFS is proud to honor him for his lifetime of service and dedication.

His many leadership positions are inspiring and include serving as board president of Congregation Beth Abraham Jacob (three times); the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York, Jewish Family Services of Northeastern New York, and Daughters of Sarah Senior Community.

Herm graduated from Philip Schuyler High School in 1949 and started working as a teen and worked as a soda jerk (his description) and a number of other jobs. As a man who understood the value of sharing his earnings, from a young age Herm ensured that his ever-so-proud momma, Bessie Ungerman, was always well-cared for. He served in the United States Navy during the Korean conflict and then married his Hebrew school classmate, Devera (Deb) Proskin Ungerman (z”l) — together they raised their two daughters, Susan Ungerman and Michelle Sanders. He subsequently formed and operated his own electrical contracting business — Herm Ungerman, Inc.  In 2006, he retired, passing the baton to his son-in-law Gerard Bobersky, and his daughter Susan. When Gerard tragically died 3 months later, Herm, the consummate mensch, understood the need for his continued involvement and postponed his retirement plans for himself (as did his beloved wife) in order to help his daughter and grandchildren navigate the traumatic event and aid Susan’s corporate leadership.

Herm and Deb were married for 60 years. For them, there was nothing that took precedence over their children and seven grandchildren. With all his “after school events”, Herm, most commonly known at home as Mendel, was faithfully home for dinner every night. He was, and continues to be, a dedicated son, brother, husband, father, and grandfather.

Herm celebrates his 90th birthday on May 19, 2021 and it seemed only fitting to grant him another award for his outstanding leadership, acts of kindness and commitment to building our community. In addition to the leadership roles listed above, Herm also served on the boards of: Hebrew Academy of the Capital District; the Albany Jewish Community Center; Parsons Child and Family Center (Northern Rivers); United Way of Northeastern New York; the Chapel House Interfaith Center at SUNY Albany; the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America; the Albany Senior Service Center Foundation; Hope House; and Jewish War Veterans Post #105’s Executive Committee.

He has been the recipient of numerous awards, including and with his wife Deb (z”l) the JCC Pillars Award; Leukemia Society Man of the Year Award; the David Ben-Gurion Israel Bonds Award; the B’nai B’rith Covenant Award; the Hope House Recognition Award; the Four Chaplains Brotherhood Award; a Fifty Years of Dedicated Service to Our Community Award and a Communal Recognition Award from Yeshiva University. Receiving the JFS Anschel Weiss Community Builder’s Award from is the icing on his huge cake.

Past recipients of this award include David Alan Miller, Jean Becker, Amy Klein, Fred Erlich, Mara Ginsberg, Chanie Simon, Rabbi Beverly Magidson, The Golub Family, Jerry & Ilene Sykes, Michael Castellana, Steve Lobel, Morris and Esther Massry, Dr. Mark Sullivan and Representative Michael McNulty.

Join us for our virtual celebration of Herm and 23 exemplary mensches from 20 area organizations on May 23, 2021 at 11 a.m.

A complete list of honorable menschen is here. Sponsorships, Honorary Committee and tributes are available here or by calling 518-482-8856.

Spearheaded by Jewish Family Services, we have a team of volunteers and professionals ready to help you get your COVID-19 vaccine. While we are not a point of distribution for the vaccine, we can register with you or for you. There is already a waiting list, as we all learn how to navigate the system, and information pushed out by the state and counties is updated daily.

Whether you need help registering or getting to your appointment, we want to help. Call JFS’ main number at (518) 482-8856*. If you live in the NNORC, feel free to call that number directly, 518-514-2023*.



Albany County
Individuals 65 and older who live in Albany County can call the Sheriff’s office to be placed on a waitlist for a vaccination appointment. 
Call 518-720-8036, Monday-Friday from8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

When the vaccine becomes available, they will be offering drive-through appointments at:
Albany County Sheriff’s Department
Public Safety Building
58 Verda Avenue
Clarksville, NY

They will also schedule appointments in the home for those who are homebound due to medical needs and require ambulance service. 

This is a two step process:

  1. You call the Sheriff’s office and give them your name, phone number, and age.
  2. When they get their allotment of vaccines, they will call you to schedule an appointment time.

Schenectady County
Schenectady County Public Health Services (SCPHS) is registering individuals to receive the vaccine. At this time, SCPHS vaccination is only available to individuals in Schenectady County who qualify according to the State’s eligibility criteria. (Please note, while the state will vaccinate those 65 and older, Schenectady County’s age limit is 75 and older.) Here is the link to their online pre-registration form. Once your form has been submitted, County staff will contact you when appointments are available.

Schoharie County
Schoharie county is also registering individuals to receive the vaccine. Here is a link to their online form. They will contact you once they receive their allotment and will schedule a vaccination appointment with you.

Rensselaer County
At this time, Rensselaer County is using the NYS vaccine system.

There are two ways to schedule an appointment through the NYS system: online registration and telephone.

This link will take you to the NYS online form.
NOTE: You must have an active email address OR a mobile phone that accepts text messages to use this online form. The state requires this so that they are able to contact you. If you do not have email or the ability to receive text messages, please plan to schedule your appointment via telephone. JFS volunteers are available to help you with the email requirement and we can print your vaccine authorization once you are scheduled.

Call the vaccination hotline: 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829).
NOTE: The hotline is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days a week.

Albany County forged a partnership with Mohawk Ambulance to ensure senior citizens unable to travel from their homes for the vaccine will have the vaccine brought to them. Individual stops to senior living communities and senior residents of single-family homes will be available if they sign up for the vaccine.

Please be patient when trying to schedule an appointment as only a limited number of vaccines and appointments are available at this time.

Please see this important message from the Capital Region Hub – Regional Vaccine Network. Most importantly is to visit for the most up-to-date vaccine information.

The Albany Times Union published a detailed article on vaccination for individuals over 65 years of age. Read it here:

Read some frequently asked questions about the vaccine.

*Please note that JFS is closed on the weekends. All calls will be return in the order they are received and as quickly as possible.

The spring 2021 are scheduled! Virtual groups are for teen, adults and older adults and are led by JFS clinicians.

For a full list of groups, description and registration, click here.



WAMC reporter Dave Lucas interviewed Bradley Mohr and Jeffery Marks as part of the Aging Series During COVID

Bradley Mohr shared that he was living a very active life before the pandemic hit, keeping fit and healthy, working out at the Albany JCC every day. He used to go to music festivals, concerts and attend NNORC programs. Now he participates in some NNORC programs, but online.

Jeffery Marks talked about adhering to a daily routine, an orderly set of events to get him through each day. While he spends almost all of his time at home, he has come to embrace technology. He is embracing Zoom as a way to get together with other people.

You can listen to the whole interview here.

This is a scary and uncertain time for us all. We are all having to learn a new normal…with directives regarding COVID-19 changing every day. For many of you, your family and friends, it’s also threatening mental health and emotional well-being and sparking serious questions about food access and long-term care options for older adults. 

JFS is open and supporting community needs. We are:

  • grocery shopping for older adults and those with underlying health conditions
  • connecting to essential doctors
  • answering critical questions and
  • providing counseling and virtual support groups

JFS professionals will now offer expanded virtual support, with added hours on Fridays and Sundays. We are partnering with Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York to increase our volunteer capacity to meet community needs.

Please use this form if you know of a specific individual who needs immediate help or

  • To access our clinicians at JFS, please call us at 518.482.8856 to schedule a telephone appointment
  • For grocery and essentials requests, to access rides for essential doctors’ visits or related support through Project 5, please call us at 518.514.2143.
  • To speak with a Senior Resource Network specialist, please call 518.482.8856.

We are creating resource flyers on stress management, self-care, getting help, and more. They will be posted on our website and on Facebook (@JFSNENY).

Thank you for sharing this information as we work together to help those who need it most. 


If you are able to subsidize our efforts to support our community, please donate to our Emergency Assistance Fund. More than ever, we are counting on your support as the urgent demand for services increases.